Monday, 28 April 2008

METAL can be so hard,

heavy, cold, sharp and

slippery, which I feel,

strongly differs to my own

nature, and yet during this

last year I have devoted all

my time and energy to work

within this mysterious

medium, and plan to spend a

lot more time too!

There is so much to learn

from its endless changes.

Revelations 21 verse 18,

in the Bible,

describes Heaven

with a "city of pure gold,

as pure as glass".

This image was my reason

for choosing metal and using

glass paint.

It has such therapeutic

qualities; allowing the artist

to beat, mold ,burn, engrave,

paint, collage,patinize, cut,

melt and join it.

My highly abused past with

permanent inner keloid scars,

finds release in its

dependable strength.

I have widespread osteoarthritis,

yet I find the physical

demands,that metal requires,

help to strengthen me;

whereas a day at the PC will

result in pure pain.

Above is just a very general

glimpse of some metals I use

or plan to use.

I have encountered some

hindrances whilst working

with metal, as people object

to the noise I make with

metal. Where can I go?

I am compromising my work

by trying to make as least

noise as possible.

One day, maybe I will have a sound proof studio or even a

garden to work outside.

At present the only outside is on the street of my estate,

and what will my neighbors say to the sound of an

angle grinder, drill or constant hammer with

centre punch precision work.

My flat is far too small to work in safety.

I thought it would be easy at University,

but a Tutor objects to the noise, I make, in the 3D studio.

Still I do pray that I will be accommodated next year.

Sorry to make a fuss!!

I so admire Willie Bester's

achievements and

accomplishments in pursuing

work with this medium,

against so many more

adversities than I.

According to Chinese astrology, our universe consists of five basic

elements to which everythingin the universe, including humans,

must have a relationship.

Please look at the table (left)

Western Astrology is made up of 4 elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

It is not often that I come accross a female metal

sculptor and I was so surprised to find the Artist,

Suzi Trubitz

whose work has vague similarities to mine.

Introducing her brilliant video, on Youtube, she says

"When I see a piece of steel,

it always has a story for me.

For some reason I see it's

history, I see it's future,

and it let's me know

how it wants to be used.

I like to change it's surface;

I like to change it's feeling.

To make a flat piece curve;

to burn it or cut it.

Her words express just how I feel!

Once a mark has been made

it becomes permanent;

the mark can be hidden

but not erased.

Each indentation causes

the metal to move.

Some may say it fights back,

but I like to think it gives

in return from what it


The luster of the metal with transparent layers of

glass paint and high gloss varnish enables the piece to

reflect light and no two photographs appear the same.

This makes photography almost impossible and

encourages the viewer to see my work in situ.

"Creation" details.
The least explored, densest and smallest planet of Mercury has a huge metallic core. Geophysicists calculate that the core 70-80% of the planet, whereas the earth's metallic core makes up only 32%. Sunrise on Mercury, my ruling planet. "Native Mercury", a metal, conducts electricity
and is used in fluorescent light tubes.
It is largely found in the mineral cinnabar (below).
It is liquid at room temperature
and a highly toxic heavy metal.
The danger of its uses with
dentistry and vaccines seem to still be ignored, even though there is growing evidence that mercury can cause autism and alzheimers disease. That is one metal I won't be experimenting with! Metal scrapyards have become of interest to me now. I am joining the recyclers, especially as metal can be so very expensive. The men were very helpful to me at this yard at the Angel, London. I have just realised that they specialise in non ferrous metals, so I will need to "steel" at another yard.

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