BIENNALE is Italian for every other year, and describes an event that happens every two years.
I have subscribed for their eNews ,
as they will be premiering an extraordinary online venue.
This will be for the first time worldwide!
The Official beginning of the Singapore Biennale was in 2006.
The creative concept was the marrying visual art with street culture.
A lovely website which had similarities to the ideas
Willie Bester Has on his Website.
It is this magical feeling when you click on the paper bag etc.
It excites me for future work for my own website!
I know I would have enjoyed that. "Nightcomers" The theme of this Biennale was "Not only Possible, but Also Necessary: Optimism in the Age of Global War" Focusing on urban issues and diverse forms of modernity, more than 100 artists participated. (Left) "Lessons of Love" 2007 by Hamra Abbas, was made in coloured plasticine. Hamra was born in Kuwait and she works in Aslamabad and Berlin, through her practice she playfully approaches accepted traditions . She also participated in the Sydney Biennale 2006.The 1st Istanbul Viennale
was held in 1987.
For the 10th, in 2007, five curators from Turkey
were invited to select over150 short videos
from the public.
These were shown at night in public spaces.
Willie Bester was there in 1998. (Biennale de l'Art Contemporian, Dakar, Senegal )
Guess what? yea! Willie Bester was there too; in 1994 (5th Havana Biennale, Cuba )
The American Whitney Biennale
in New York, 2008, began March 6th , questioning the staging and display
of art and exploring " fluid communication structures".
So it's on NOW!
Ah that is better!
A website which gives a substancial amount of interesting information on all 81
Coco Fusco
A Room of One’s Own: Women and Power in the New America ,
Spike Lee,
and Eduardo Sarabia
Eduardo Sarabia, Babylon Bar, 2006.
are amongst the artist.
Fia Backström’s work explores the logic of display and structural limits or disciplines.
There is a strong imput of videos including music and other performance,
movement workshops, radio broadcasts, publishing projects,
community-based activities, film screenings,
culinary gatherings, and lectures.
On the 10th/11th April were afternoons and seminars with some of the artists.
The "Artist License" seems always to bring debate rather than offer free expression, in America.
I have subscribed to their newsletter aswell.
The Liverpool Biennial
was established byJames Moores James Moores in 1998
and has presented festivals in 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2006.
The 5th festival opens on 20th September 2008,
as part of Liverpool's year as Capital of Culture.
The festival consists of four strands,
with half of the 30-40 new commissions appearing in public spaces around the city.
One of my favourites, Antony Gormley’s installation "Another Place"
was brought to Crosby Beach by Liverpool Biennial
with South Sefton Partnership in 2005.
Programmes in the 2008 Liverpool Biennial will include:
the John Moores 25 Exhibition of Contemporary Painting,
national open painting competition
and Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2008,
the annual exhibition by students and recent graduates of Fine Art colleges
throughout the UK.
There will be a strong focus on the power of the mind ;
when faced with complete abstraction and extreme sensory deprivation.
This will be in collaboration with the Tate Liverpool "Open Eye Gallery"
I have registered with the Liverpool Biennale aswell,
now this is one I can, and look forward to visit.
"Email applications to or post them to Lorna Woods Moses, Liverpool Biennial, 55 New Bird Street, PO Box 1200, L69 1XB."
I just realised that the closing date was April 5. Never mind 2 years time will be when I finish my study!
(Left) world Map of 16 Biennales depicted on the Havana Biennales Website
Says Thierry de Duve, writing in
Volume 21 of Third Text ,
pages 681-688,
" Their number increases at a crazy pace,
and though Europe still houses the majority of them,
the so-called periphery,
Asia in the first place, is quickly catching up; as of today, estimates oscillate
between eighty and 140 art biennials scattered around the world. "
"A success of a biennial also has to do with the changing of the balance of power
in the international art world by focusing critical attention away from the
dominant cultural centers and towards the periphery".
"Doesn't the West make an abusive usage of art biennials as a mode of
externalization of its production or of its aesthetic options,
the way it does with its economic action,
by delocalizing and exploiting for its own profit today's globalization of the world".
In writing this Blog I have experienced, as expected, many negative racial issues.
I feel the Bourgeoisie of the West, is still firmly rooted in the "Biennale".
Is there always a seperate display of African Art?
Would African artists want it any other way?
Why cannot Global Art be simply categorised by for example: subject.
Yet, I as a student need to be involved with much more intense research,
to emphatically state my "unwritten line" findings.
"There are artists who inspire entire generations
and these key artists are not always the most visible
in the world of museums and fairs."
"The geography of the art world
has been expanding rapidly with new centers emerging:
China, India, the Middle East...
It will be my ambition to create a show that,
although articulated into
individual zones of intensity,
remains one exhibition." says Daniel Birnbaum,
curator of the future 53rd Venice Biennale.
It is time for a change!!
I would appreciate any comments from you, the reader,
especially if you have visited a Biennale recently.
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